works <

faith in fakes iv– To make your bet!

>> birdcages x 38, light bulb, motor

“This is the reason for this journey into hyper-reality, in search of instances where the imagination demands the real thing and, to attain it, must fabricate the absolute fake; where the boundaries between game and illusion are blurred.”
from “Travels in Hyper-Reality, Faith in Fakes” by Umberto Eco

The roulette wheel consists of thirty eight numbered slots, the result of game will be determined on a ball falling into one of 38 slots. The croupier will inform the players “to make their bet” at the beginning of each round of roulette betting. After all players being made the bet, the croupier spins the wheel and leave the ball into the roulette. Shortly before the roulette stops, the croupier announces “no more bets”.

This work created a dizzying spatial experience and paradoxical situation, meanwhile, implying an endless game. The rotating light causes the shadows whirling continuously, and creating a sensually shaking space.


2006  “Octomania (on drawing the number eight)”, Parasite art space, Hong Kong.